MULTI-CAMERA PRODUCTION... 用Apollo阿波罗,你将不会错失任何画面。。。
The Apollo Option adds Four-Channel Recording & Live-Switching to Odyssey7Q/7Q+. 阿波罗选项让7Q/7Q+增加4路记录以及切换。 Ever feel you are missing critical shots? Have you considered multi-camera shoots, but are concerned with added cost, complexity, and time both on set and in post? 你是否考虑过用多机位录制一些关键画面,但是又局限于成本,复杂性以及时间? Capture more close-ups, more angles, more excitement, more emotion. Create more engaging and compelling stories that exceed your client's expectations. The Apollo Option affordably adds multi-camera recording and switching to the gear you already own. 超乎你客户的期待,捕捉更多细节,阿波罗将帮助你实现这一愿望。 EASY简易 | FAST快速 | UPGRADE升级 | One SSD Card 1张SSD卡
One Recording 单边录制
Simple Setup 简易安装 | Everything in Sync 全部同步
Matched File Names 匹配文件名
Instant Backup 立即备份 | Four ISOs +
Live-Switch 现场切换
Quad-HD/Dual-4K 4路高清/2路4K
Multi-camera production is only a few clicks away. Upgrade instantly when you buy or rent the Odyssey Apollo Option through our website. Expand Odyssey's capabilities without purchasing new hardware, and up your game to multi-camera production today.