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[新闻] 独家专访:我们和《魔戒》《阿凡达》《银翼杀手2049》DIT大神聊了聊










发表于 2021-8-16 18:27 | 显示全部楼层 |阅读模式
本文原定在BIRTV 2021期间发布。鉴于该展会已宣布延期,尊正市场部决定提前发布这篇专访。本文首发于尊正资讯(www.zunzheng.com/news),并同步发布在其他的尊正自媒体(如微博尊正中国、微信GaiaDaily、B站Gaiamount等);如果您对Jason Naran及他的相关项目有更多的兴趣,欢迎在本文下方留言,我们将精选部分提问与这位DIT大神互动,敬请关注。
Can you please introduce yourself?
My name is Jason Naran from New Zealand.
I started working in the film industry around 2007.
Since then I have been lucky to work on many big films.
I became a specialist DIT around 2015.
My company name is Nektar – www.nektar.co.nz

What are your recent projects or work and any favourite ones?
Here is a link to my work as a DIT and also as a Video Operator..
My favourite projects so far are :
A Wrinkle in Time
Blade Runner 2049
Mortal Engines
The Hobbit 1, 2 & 3
Petes Dragon
Ghost in the Shell
How has the DIT workflow/your way of work evolved in recent years and where do you see the industry moving in the near future?
I have watched the industry change in many ways over the years.
When I first began working I was called to help productions with new digital cinema cameras.
These were new and older film cameras were not longer the preferred tool.
My first roles were as a data wrangler, and the name DIT was not known then.
Now most bigger film production rely on the DIT to provide many services.
From Camera control, Live grading, data management, post production liaison to camera department and production co-orddination. The DIT role has become really complex and covers so many responsibilities.
Where do you find your inspiration for work? Where do you find the latest industry trends or how do renew your knowledge?
I get a lot of inspiration from working with different Cinematographers and Camera teams.
I also really enjoy learning new skills and exploring new technologies.
From topics such as HDR to 4K and 8K formats, to working with new colour space options – I am constantly learning.
I then get to test and proven my learnings on future jobs by adding to my services.
How do you deal with stress on-set or in general? What would you do to de-stress?
I find that after many years working in this industry, I don’t get much stress onset.
I really enjoy the challenges that film industry provides.
I usually enjoy some outdoor adventures in nature when I have time off between jobs.
This is my favourite way to relax.
See my photo attached below on the Mountain bike.
A most unforgettable/favourite project of yours and why?
My favourite project so far has been the Blade Runner 2049 shoot.
I was based in New Zealand on the Miniatures shoot.
It was a very custom workflow and shooting method using Digital stills cameras, not cinema cameras.
The routine was very complex and needed some very custom approach to make the shoot possible.
Any Chinese films/filmmakers that you appreciate or looks that you want to explore for your projects?
I would like to work in China at some point in the future.
I have not met any Cinematographers from there.
It would be great to come visit and work on a big production there soon.
The closest I was to working in China, was when we were shooting in Hong Kong on Ghost in the Shell in 2017.
It was a busy shoot and on the street for many days and nights.
I really enjoyed working there.
我自己的DIT车上有3个尊正BoxIO,搭配Pomfort LiveGrade软件使用。BoxIO功能非常棒,非常可靠。有了BoxIO,我可以操控摄影机的实时画面,创建自定义风格。
Hope our technologies have made your DIT life easier, so how’s your experience with zunzheng products? Any new functions you would like to see?
In my DIT cart I use 3x BoxIO with Pomfort LiveGrade software.
These LUT boxes work really well and are always reliable.
They allow me to manipulate the live image from the camera to make custom looks.
The only function I would like to see in the future is to handle 12G and able to do live grade for HDR.
[size=0.8125em][img]blob:https://zunzheng.com/b51e7d6e-324f-49a8-b9fb-7d8bae8bfb57[/img] 杰森·纳兰的DIT车
If offered an opportunity to come to China or work with zunzheng in some way, would you like to take it and what do you want to do?
I would like to find an opportunity to come to China to work.
I think a big film production would be great to work on.
I would also enjoy the product development routine with zunzheng.
I could also offer some training for other DITs who are interesting in working on a film set.
I am interested to know more about the Monitors that zunzheng offers.
Particularly the HDR and 4K options.
This would be great to explore – I would like to visit the factory to learn how they are made.
Any advice to people interested in becoming a DIT in China?
I think you need to study many different topics to become a DIT.
Like explore all the Cameras on the market.
Also need to explore how they work and what they have that makes them different.
I would study the software and the data wrangling process also.
The equipment is complex and also needs very good understanding.
Then you need to also be comfortable on the film set and know the routine there.
非常感谢尊正和你们的产品这些年对我工作的支持。你们制造的产品让我能在片场充分发挥自己DIT的能力。祝尊正在BIRTV 2021一切顺利!
What else do you like to share ?
Thank you very much to zunzheng for supporting me over the years with your products.
The products you make allow me to make the most of my DIT role onset.
I hope you enjoy your visit to BIRTV 2021.
如果您对Jason Naran及他的相关项目有更多的兴趣,欢迎在本文下方留言,我们将精选其中的部分提问与Jason互动,敬请关注。

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