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[ARRI] 网络科幻片《END UNSUNG》是如何制作的









发表于 2019-6-2 19:59 | 显示全部楼层 |阅读模式
内容来源: 原创(楼主原创内容)
器材帖类别: 器材选择求助
器材型号: 45452452
Rolf Lindblom is an award-winning filmmaker from Finland and behind the sci-fi web series, END UNSUNG. Here, Rolf reveals his filmmaking process, life as a creative person and fan of cinema, and why he loves Schneider-Kreuznach lenses.
Rolf Lindblom 是一位屡获殊荣的芬兰电影制作人,也是网络科幻片《END UNSUNG》的幕后人员。在本文中,Rolf 将向大家讲述他的拍摄过程,身为创意家和电影爱好者的生活日常,以及他为什么对 Schneider-Kreuznach 镜头情有独钟。
The Way Rolf Works
Rolf 的工作方式

His projects always seem to have too little time, too little light or too few crew members. That′s why there are two things he never compromises on – camera and lenses. They need to be top-notch and work well together. To add to his high-end camera, Rolf needs lenses that are fast, sharp and reliable. They also need to be future-proofed with whatever possible camera set-ups he might use going forward.
他的项目总是时间紧张、光线不足、剧组人员太少,所以有两件事他绝不能将就,那就是摄影机和镜头。它们必须具有一流的性能而且搭配协调。为了配合高端摄影机,Rolf 需要一款成像速度快、细节清晰、稳定可靠的镜头,而且还要保证能够与他未来可能使用的任何摄像机设备搭配使用。

“For me, the importance of owning high-end cinema lenses comes first, especially when working with my digital series, END UNSUNG,” Rolf explains. “Days of shooting are spread out with changes and surprises very common – so renting is not a practical solution for me.”
“对我来说,自己拥有一套高端摄影机镜头实在是太重要了,尤其是在拍我的数字系列剧《END UNSUNG时,” Rolf 解释道,“由于拍摄时间分散,随时都可能发生变化,意外也常常会发生,所以租用对我来说不切实际。”
Why Schneider-Kreuznach?
为什么选择施奈德 Schneider-Kreuznach 镜头?
“The Schneider-Kreuznach Xenon Full Frame Prime Lenses price range and quality were just what I needed. And, of course, the lenses perform perfectly with any high-end commercial or corporate projects I have to work with – and they also seem to arrive with very short notice these days.”
“Schneider-Kreuznach Xenon 全画幅定焦镜头的价位区间和品质正好符合我的需求。而且,在我参与的任何高端商业项目或企业项目中(现在基本都是紧急项目),这款镜头的表现都非常完美。

Lenses to Love
The complete series was shot with the Xenon Full Frame Prime Lenses 35mm and 50mm on a Red Epic Dragon camera.
整套剧集全部使用Red Epic Dragon摄影机搭配Xenon FF Prime 35mm镜头和50mm镜头拍摄而成。

“There is something very cinematic and special – almost magical – in the footage you get when you combine Red cameras and the Xenon Lenses,” Rolf rhapsodises. “For me, this set-up is very hard to beat. I love my lenses – they make me look good.”
“使用 Red 摄像机搭载 Xenon 镜头拍摄出来的影片会呈现出电影特有的感觉,非常的神奇,” Rolf 兴奋地说,“在我看来,再也找不到比这更好的设备了。我喜欢这些镜头,它们让我看上去很棒。”
The editing was done with Adobe Premiere in combination with FilmConvert.
影片同时采用Adobe Premiere和FilmConvert两款软件编辑而成。

About END UNSUNG Web Series
The END UNSUNG world is very dark and realistic and most of the scenes are shot in natural light, with practicals or very low-light conditions – and that's where the Schneider-Kreuznach Xenon Full Frame Prime Lenses low-light capability (T-stop) comes in very handy. The series takes the viewer through multiple periods of time and space. It introduces them to various characters – with an assortment of motives, conflicts and interactions – all prompted by an engineered distortion of time and space, which has wreaked havoc upon and affected the characters‘  lives and timelines in profound ways. The cause of this chronological chaos is a group of mysterious beings called travellers, who not only have the ability to manipulate events both past and present, but possess humans as well. But what are their origins? And what are their plans for all of humanity?
《END UNSUNG》里的世界昏暗异常,且充满现实色彩,大部分场景都是在符合实际或非常昏暗的自然光环境中拍摄的,而这正是 Schneider-Kreuznach Xenon 全画幅定焦镜头弱光拍摄功能(T-stop)可以轻松发挥作用之处。影片带领观众穿梭于多个时间和空间片段,并通过精心设计扭曲时间和空间,提示观众去注意各种各样的人物动机、冲突和互动,继而展现不同的人物性格,这种时间和空间的扭曲以非常深刻的方式给人物的生活和时间线带来严重的破坏。而这种时序上的紊乱是由一群被称之为“旅行者”的神秘生物导致的,他们不仅能够操控过去和现在发生的事件,还能支配人类。这群生物究竟从何而来?他们又打算对全人类做些什么呢?
END UNSUNG has been considered for awards and nominations at 37 worldwide film festivals so far.
迄今为止,《END UNSUNG》已是全球37个电影节颁奖和提名的热门之选。

Images by Rolf Lindblom
图片由 Rolf Lindblom 拍摄

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