Cooke Anamorphic/i定焦镜头为《副总统》带来卓越的视觉效果
Greig Fraser, ACS, ASC, finds the right combination of film and glass to handle the intense prosthetics, makeup and hair for the story of Dick Cheney电影摄影师Greig Fraser格雷格·弗莱瑟 (美国电影摄影师协会及澳大利亚电影摄影师协会会员),充分利用胶片和镜头组合来处理前美国副总统迪克·切尼传记片中经常出现的道具化妝。 Over the 50 years chronicled in Adam McKay’s Vice, cinematographer Greig Fraser had the challenges of photographing actors playing characters twice their age — with intense prosthetics, makeup and hair — while also making a potentially dull series of office-based scenes into a visually interesting story for audiences. To accomplish this feat, Fraser relied on Kodak 200T & 500T film and Cooke Optics’ Anamorphic/i prime lenses. 在导演 Adam McKay亚当·麦凯的影片《副总统》中,主角面临着50年的角色年龄跨度,这为电影摄影师弗莱瑟带来了挑战:一方面要经常要拍摄采用大量道具化妆和假发的场景,以及拍摄比演员真实年龄年长两倍的角色;同时要将一系列沉闷的办公室场景拍出有趣的视觉效果。格雷格依靠柯达200T & 500T胶片和库克Cooke Optics的Anamorphic/i定焦镜头实现了这一壮举。 file:///C:\Users\Administrator\AppData\Local\Temp\ksohtml\wps1E59.tmp.png “When it all comes down to it, this is a procedural film shot in lots of office spaces, and that can be very visually boring,” said Fraser. “And while Adam has proved that he can make the most boring subjects entertaining — like The Big Short about the 2008 housing collapse that’s based on a very dry book — I had to make Vice as visually engaging and interesting as his script. I had to make it ‘sing’ properly, but with no one noticing.” “归根结底,这是一部在很多办公场所拍摄的电影,视觉上可能非常无聊。”弗莱瑟说。“虽然导演亚当·麦凯已经证明,他可以让最无聊的主题变得有趣——比如根据一本非常枯燥的书籍改编的,反映2008年房地产崩盘的影片《大空头》——但我必须让《副总统》像他的剧本一样,在视觉上生动有趣、引人入胜。我必须以一种隐秘的形式恰到好处地呈现影片。” Fraser doesn’t have a discernable style while shooting, aiming for the opposite of that. “It’s one thing to have an eye, but avoiding a specific style...that’s the ideal scenario,” explained Fraser. “While Cheney took great pride in being very methodical, he lacked political charisma. What he was able to do was to be the puppet master and pull the strings of government from the background to achieve his ultimate goals. From a cinematographer’s standpoint, this had to be simple and classic — and balance the look against the more jagged styles of Adam and Hank .” 弗莱瑟的拍摄没有明显的风格,目的是达到与众不同的效果。“有眼光是一回事,但要避免特定的风格......这才是理想的情况。” 弗莱瑟解释说,“虽然切尼以做事有条不紊而自豪,但他缺乏政治魅力。他所能做的就是成为一个木偶大师,在幕后操纵来实现他的最终目标。从电影摄影师的角度来看,这必须简单而经典——并在造型上与导演亚当和影片剪辑师汉克较为参差的风格保持平衡。A fan of Cooke lenses all the way back to the start of his career, Fraser tested the Cooke Anamorphic/i primes, looking for consistency through the range, with the warmth he enjoyed from his long-time use of Cooke spherical lenses. 从弗莱瑟职业生涯的开始,他就一直是Cooke镜头的粉丝。他测试了多款Cooke Anamorphic/i定焦镜头,通过焦距范围寻找一致性。多年来他一直钟爱Cooke变形镜头的温暖感。
“For Vice, the Cookes worked very well,” said Fraser. “There’s a mix of prosthetics, hair and makeup that’s unique. Just look at any scene with those prosthetics. You’ve got Christian Bale who’s in his 40s and 180 pounds playing Dick Cheney at 75 and 260 Amy Adams playing Lynne Cheney in her late 60s. They’re playing almost double their ages under unflattering fluorescent lighting a lot of the time. The combination of lenses and film format absolutely came into play. I had to find the perfect combination that was sharp enough to resolve, but soft enough and earthy enough to be beneficial to the prosthetics, makeup and hair. The Cookes helped to give me that look.” “对于电影《副总统》而言,Cooke的表现非常好,”弗莱瑟说。 “道具化妆和假发的组合是独一无二的。看看所有出现道具化妆的场景:40多岁、体重180磅的Christian Bale克里斯蒂安·贝尔演活了75岁、体重260磅的切尼.....此外,演员艾米·亚当斯扮演了将近70岁的切尼太太Lynne Cheney。很多时候,演员们在水银灯下扮演的角色几乎都是自身年龄的两倍。镜头和胶片格式的结合绝对发挥了作用。我必须找到一个完美的组合,既要足够敏锐,能够解决问题,又要足够柔和朴实,有利于表现道具化妆和头发。Cooke帮我达到了这种效果。”file:///C:\Users\Administrator\AppData\Local\Temp\ksohtml\wps1E5A.tmp.png Used for approximately 70 percent of the film, Fraser had the full set of Cooke Anamorphic/i primes, but primarily used the 50mm, 75mm and 100mm.
弗莱瑟拥有全套Cooke Anamorphic / i定焦镜头,但主要使用了50mm、75mm和100mm,大约70%的影片都是由Cooke镜头完成。
“The underlying technology of the lenses is perfect,” said Fraser. “They always lined up. And that’s really important when shooting on film as you wouldn’t know about a lens failure until the next day. But they were technically tip-top. My focus puller could guarantee marks, regardless of the temperature or environment.
“镜头拥有完美的基础技术,”弗莱瑟说。 “镜头对准在拍摄电影时非常重要,因为直到第二天你才会知道镜头是否有故障。但Cooke在技术上是顶尖的。无论温度或环境如何,我的调焦器均可保证焦距准确。
“In the end, I got exactly what I was hoping for and needed,” Fraser concluded. “A family of anamorphic lenses that delivered exactly what I’ve loved for years with Cooke’s spherical lenses — consistency and warmth.”
“最后,我得到了我所希望和需要的,” 弗莱瑟总结道。 “这一系列变形镜头准确呈现了我多年来所钟爱的Cooke镜头效果——一致性和温暖感。”
With six Golden Globe nominations including Best Picture, and a win for Best Performance by an Actor in a Motion Picture - Musical or Comedy by Christian Bale, Vice has also been nominated for eight Academy Awards, and received the Best Makeup and Hairstyling award, as well as six BAFTA awards (winning Best Editing) and two SAG awards. 除了六项金球奖提名(包括最佳影片),并在音乐或喜剧类电影中获得最佳男主角奖。《副总统》还获得了八项奥斯卡提名,并获得最佳化妆与发型设计,以及六项英国电影学院奖最佳剪辑提名和两项美国演员工会奖提名。